Obtaining Cork Institute of Technology Diploma, CIT Diploma, Buy Bachelor Degree online, Cork Institute of Technology has a faculty based academic management structure. There are two faculties (Engineering & Science and Business & Humanities). Each of these faculties is made up of a number of schools (e.g. the Faculty of Engineering & Science has the School of Science and Informatics as one of its constituent schools) which are in turn made of of two or more academic departments (e.g. the School of Science and Informatics has 5 constituent departments).CIT courses cover Business, Engineering, Science, Computing, Humanities, Media, Art, and Music. Buy Dundalk Institute of Technology Diploma.
We have an enviable record of providing students with excellent employment opportunities and a firm basis for future career development.We offer the full range of higher education qualifications, including Bachelor degrees, Honours Bachelor degrees, and post-graduate Masters and PhD degrees. CIT has a very well developed ‘ladder’ structure to enable students to progress through the different levels of qualifications.CIT offers 73 courses through the CAO. Forty-one of these are on the Honours Degree (Level 8) list. It’s important to note in addition that there are thirty courses on the Bachelor Degree Level 7 list which have routes of progression to Honours Degree courses at CIT.